

ここから叶えよう君の夢~The Secret Base Project(秘密基地プロジェクト以下TSBP)ブログ






[box class=”blue_box” title=”英語読解で速く読むコツ “]

  1. 絶対に、英語の語順(前から)読む癖をつける
  2. S(主語)とV(動詞)を意識して「誰が何をしたか」を素早く掴む!
  3. 英語の塊で読む癖をつける!
    例: 冠詞+名詞で1つの塊、前置詞+…で塊、接続詞+SV…で塊など




速読法の実践として、前回に引き続き、アラバスタ編の冒頭(英語版ONE PIECE Vol.16-17-18の冒頭)をご紹介します。

Having reached the Grand Line, Luffy and crew are escorting Princess Vivi to the Kingdom of Alabasta in order to prevent its takeover by the secret crime organization Baroque Works. But having overheard the true identity of Mr. Zero (Sir Crocodile, one of the Seven Warlords of the sea), Luffy and the others find themselves fighting for their lives against his formidable agents.

After a fierce battle on a prehistoric island of giants, they set sail for Alabasta, but Nami suddenly develops a high fever. In search of a doctor, the crew arrives at Drum Island, land of perpetual snow. This kingdom was recently plundered by pirates, and its king fled the island, taking all the physicians with him. Now the only remaining doctor lives in a castle high atop the island’s tallest mountain- but she’s rumored to be a witch! Undaunted, Luffy straps Nami to his back and he and Sanji begin the perilous ascent to the castle, only to find themselves in the path of a deadly avalanche!! 


  • Having reached the Grand Line, Luffy and crew are escorting Princess Vivi to the Kingdom of Alabasta

  • in order to prevent its takeover by the secret crime organization Baroque Works.

  • But having overheard the true identity of Mr. Zero (Sir Crocodile, one of the Seven Warlords of the sea),
    しかし、立ち聞きして、Mr. Zeroの真の正体(身元)を。その正体とは、クロコダイルさん(Sirの訳です笑)という七武海の一人だった。

  • Luffy and the others find themselves fighting for their lives against his formidable agents.
    ルフィーと仲間(他のすべての仲間)は、気づいた、自身が、命がけで戦う(pay for のfor: 対価)、彼の手ごわい刺客(代理の人たち)に対して。

  • After a fierce battle on a prehistoric island of giants, they set sail for Alabasta,
    激しいバトルの後、先史的な(pre: 前の)巨人の島での。彼らは、帆を張った、アラバスタに向かって(目的地のfor)。

  • but Nami suddenly develops a high fever.

  • In search of a doctor, the crew arrives at Drum Island, land of perpetual snow.

  • This kingdom was recently plundered by pirates, and its king fled the island, taking all the physicians with him.

  • Now the only remaining doctor lives in a castle high atop the island’s tallest mountain- but she’s rumored to be a witch!

  • Undaunted, Luffy straps Nami to his back and he and Sanji begin the perilous ascent to the castle,

  • only to find themselves in the path of a deadly avalanche!! 


[aside type=”warning”]




[voice icon=”http://the-secret-base-project.com/wp-content/uploads/2019/04/EDITTED365-SQUARE.jpg” name=”Roy” type=”r icon_black”]ワンピースの冒頭を読んでみると、今までと英語読解への気持ちが少し変わったのでは?ただ辛いだけの英語読解じゃなくて、少しでも楽しい英語読解になればいいな~と思います! [/voice]






#伊勢市 #自立学習サポート #小中高生 #勉強って楽しい #自分で考え自分で学ぶ #志望校合格 #最後まであきらめない心 #受験は孤独じゃない




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